Something To Smile About - Orthodontic Treatment For Adults

If you think twice before smiling, it may be that you need orthodontic treatment. Your smile expresses confidence and comfort about the appearance of your teeth and gives others a great first impression. However, if your teeth protrude, have noticeable gaps, or are crowded and crooked, you may feel anxiety about showing the world anything more than a tight-lipped smile.

According to the American Association of Orthodontists, one out of five orthodontic patients is an adult. Not only can the correction of dental misalignment improve self-esteem, it can also fix bite problems that can lead to poor dental health.

Special Considerations: Braces for Adults

If you didn’t get braces as a teen, don’t worry; the option of adult braces is still open. While the process of repositioning teeth is similar for all ages, special considerations are required when dealing with an adult mouth. While teens rarely have serious gum disease, adults often do. Periodontal problems, which may include gum recession, bone loss, and missing teeth due to decay or trauma, must be resolved before orthodontic treatment begins.  These conditions may make orthodontic treatment slightly more complex and extended in length.

Another important consideration for adults seeking orthodontic care is aesthetics. In the past, many professional adults have avoided orthodontic treatment because of big, bulky, metal braces. Thankfully, today’s orthodontic treatments are far less noticeable. From mini brackets and ceramic brackets to Invisalign® clear aligners, today’s orthodontic appliances are small, sleek and, in some cases, nearly invisible.

It is never too late for a beautiful smile! We invite you to schedule a complimentary initial evaluation to review how orthodontic treatment may benefit your smile.