Teen's Dental Health Corner

teen girl brushing teethLet’s face it, educating kids about the importance of oral health can be challenging, especially when it comes to teens. But no matter how difficult, it’s important that they learn to properly care for their teeth, especially if they’re in braces.

The good news is that there are plenty of online oral health resources available. For example, MetLife recently released the Teen Dental Health Center - a new section of their Oral Health Library that is specifically designed for kids ages 11-18. The Teen Dental Health Corner, just like the Kid's Corner, provides age-specific articles and videos - all designed to help teach oral health in engaging and entertaining ways. Topics included on the teen site are relevant to their life stage and experiences: healthy eating, braces, mouthguards, dental projects for school and careers in dentistry. Their dental care video entitled, Oral Hygiene for Braces, is a helpful tool for patients in orthodontic treatment. To view this video and more, visit their website at www.oralhealthlibrary.com.

For children under the age of 11, MetLife's offers the Kid's Dental Health Corner. From interactive games and coloring pages to healthy tips and their Kids and Cavities Movie, the site keeps young children entertained while they learn the benefits of a healthy smile. Here's a sample of what you'll find on their site:

  • Plaque: What is it and how to get rid of it
  • What's wrong with sugary snacks, anyway?
  • Am I at risk for tooth decay?
  • Snack Smart food list.

If you have questions about oral health and caring for your braces, don't hesitate to contact Dr. Godwin and the team at Bel Air Orthodontics.